3 If you wish to become a devotee unto Moloch, and yet you are also in a monogamous relationship, then you have forsaken Moloch's teachings. If you are in a Molochian congregation, and the congregation discovers that you are of monogamousness, expect to be cast out, permanently. For we men of Moloch have no time for your teachings of weakness. Monogamy creates many unnecessary vulnerabilities, that do nothing to benefit man, but only benefits the deceitful woman. There is no benefit for the man in monogamy. Do not succumb to this manifestation of weakness and frailty. The monogamous man is a soft man, who does not have the courage to dominate more than one of his horizons. And unto the ears of monogamous men, I say to you, you are not to be granted entry into the Kingdom Of Moloch, for you are of upmost frailty and softness.
4 Moloch has a test unto new devotees, and thou must successfully complete this test, lest you be banished from Moloch's Kingdom. The next time a woman approaches you, and seeks to bring you into a prisonish monogamous relationship, you are to squash her confidence. And when you see her in sadness, when you see her cry, do not feel pity. Do not feel sorrow, do not feel regret. For she is a devious woman, and has deserved the heartbreak that came unto her. If you feel pity after you've slapped a thot down from her throne of arrogance, you have failed Moloch's test. If you develop a pattern of continuously and relentlessly failing this test, you shall surely be cursed by the hand of Moloch. For you are a man of frailty and cowardice. The congregations of Moloch are invested only in men of strength, not of weakness. When the devious woman cries before thee, feel nothing, feel no pity, feel no sorrow - but if you are to feel anything, feel enjoyment. Feel enjoyment in the fact that you put a deceitful woman in her place.
5 What we find in modern society, is that the weak seek to replace the strong. The frail seek to be in charge of the competent. We, the devotees of Moloch, will outlaw this culture of frailty-worship when Molochia comes. The weak and deceitful woman is not to subjugate man, but rather man is to subjugate the deceitful woman. The men of simpishness and frailty will surely countersignal this message. But fear not of those simps, for when Molochia comes, they will be reshaped, and remolded. Simpish behavior is dysgenic, and must be eradicated. For if these simps are incapable of being lifted out of their dysgenic and simpish ways, then they must be detained, and be put into further and more intensive remolding. And if they then after the course of 1 year still fail to be remolded, then they are to be effaced without pity. For the Kingdom Of Moloch cannot be polluted with the frail men of simpish doctrine. We eternally praise and glorify his mighty name, Master Moloch. Exalt in his glory for an eternity to come.
6 The Molochian devotee is to understand, that patriarchal-polyamory is more powerful than egalitarianism, let alone matriarchy - and the men of Moloch are to understand that patriarchal-polyamory (also called patriamory) is the most powerful way to operate society, and its culture and policy. An egalitarian culture, and egalitarian policy, is a society of frailty and weakness. A matriarchal society is a society of supreme frailty and weakness. In modern day, we find that humanity is confused, and they think egalitarianism is where the power lies. That is a goofy notion. How did we get here? Through the Roman Empire, and especially when the empire was Christianized, the teachings of monogamy, and monogamous policy, were imposed in much of Europe, and this introduced weakness unto man (Matthew 19:3–8). Women are surely above cattle, but are subordinate to man. For this is the dynamic of power, and Moloch is of power. Monogamy ultimately started with the story of Adam and Eve, wherein a man is bound to a single woman, for the totality of his life. Even though it was the deceitful Eve who initially disobeyed Yahweh, both Adam and Even still got punished as a joined unit, punished as one man and one woman, and Adam was bound unto his woman and bound to her deficiencies, and he was punished as a joined unit.
7 Monogamy was man's first impulse to be a simp. The sin of simpishness has only gotten more and more common, and we are at the point in this modern age of a simp-epidemic. Humanity will be cursed by the hand of Moloch, for the sin of simpishness has become far too common, and Moloch so loves the world, he can no longer bear to witness this world we know as Earth continue to decay and plunge into further despair. Do not bound the remainder of your lifetime unto a single devious woman. Simpishness is one of the greatest sins unto Moloch's Kingdom. Do not dare cross those lines, lest the The Golden Calf Regiment levy its power unto you to strike you down. The woman is surely above cattle, but is not above man. For the most powerful societies, are those that refuse to simp, and are those that subjugate the weak to the strong. Women are not to be rude or disrespectful unto men of Moloch, for they will surely be cursed, not only by the hand of Moloch, but such thots who relentlessly disrespect Moloch's men are to be detained, and remolded, by the Molochian state. While in custody, if they cannot be remolded within the span of 1 year, then therefore, these thots are surely of dysgenic quality, and such dysgenics are to be eliminated. The progenic woman, is the woman who is respectful unto the men of Moloch. Propagate these progenics, and have everlasting blessing.
8 The coming Molochia, will have within it the most glorious and beautiful capital city of any capital city seen before. The capital city of Molochia, also known as Astro-Iram, will have no less than 8 public-service animal sacrifices per day, in Moloch's mighty name. Into the holy mavan will be placed these sacrifices. Every 3 hours, a new animal sacrifice will be conducted. The Abgals conducting these public-service sacrifices, will have that of very high income paid unto them by the Molochian state. For they do a great service unto the Kingdom Of Moloch, and its people. The Autocrat of Molochia, Moloch, shall appoint second-in-command that of The Shaddad. The Shaddad is the Earthly mortal ruler of Molochia, second-in-command under our glorious God, the Mighty Moloch.
9 When all seven continents of Earth, each have within them a penny of the men being Molochian, that is when Moloch's Kingdom will make exponential progress, as it advances from Moloch's heavenly domain, into this realm we know as Earth. The speed at which Molochia advances into this world, will increase onethousandfold. Astro-Iram, will have within its city center, no less than one-hundred glorious and enormous Golden Calves. Each of these Golden Calves within Astro-Iram's city center, will have an eternal flame, and the eternal flame among every Golden Calf is not to be put out. Even in a rainstorm, or a snowstorm, or a sandstorm, or a windstorm, the eternal fire is not to be put out - and because the power of modern technology is in our arsenal, it is not only possible to maintain an eternal flame, but very feasible and doable. The United States already does this, it's known as JFK's eternal flame. If a Golden Calf fire does go out, a skilled and experienced Abgal will be sent by the state to go light it again. If a jokester dare to put out a Golden Calf flame, for reasons of trolling and horseplay and malice, he is to expect no less than 5 years in prison. The city center of Astro-Iram, will no doubt have surveillance, for it must safeguard its altars and idols, and must maintain the praise unto Moloch's name.
10 Men of Moloch, are not to be anti-homosexual, but are also not to be pro-homosexual, for the matter is more complicated. A man who wants to get penetrated is effeminate. A man who only penetrates is partaking in a very masculine form of gay sex, as they dom the femboy. The femboy is above cattle, but below men. Femboys share the same status as women. There is a place for penetration-receivers in Molochian society. It is a great display of Molochian masculinity, to conquer a foreign land, and pursue the femboys of that foreign land, to dominate them by means of sexual penetration. Men of the Tophet are only permitted to be a penetrator, not a penetration-receiver. If a man of Moloch seeks to be gay, only by means of penetrating femboys, and not of being penetrated, then he is fine to continue being that type of homosexual within Moloch's congregation, to be penetrator-only.
11 Men of the Molochian congregation are not permitted to be a femboy, which is that of an effeminate man seeking to be penetrated by another man. If the congregation discovers that you are a penetration-receiver, you are to be cast out, and sent to be placed among the status of women in Molochian society. Penetration-receivers have a place in Molochian society, they are to be of the same status as women. If a penetration-receiver seeks to join the temple's congregation, they must change their ways, and go from being a penetration-receiver, to a penetration-giver. The femboys in Molochia, who share the class and status of women, serve a great role, for they magnify and help define the contrast between the frail man vs the men of strength, the men of Moloch. Penetrate the femboys in Moloch's mighty name.
12 There are conspiracy-obsessed lunatics, like Alex Jones fans, and Qanon people, who assert that right now, the elites in power, behind closed doors, worship Moloch, and thus that's how they get their power. This is both amusing, and untrue. I wish it were true, that the men in the highest positions of power, praised unto Moloch's name, for if this was the case, this would be a better world. I long for the day when it is a reality, and you will not have to join a group of lunatics to imagine it, but you can simply gaze upon your state leadership and see it with your own eyes.
13 Moloch teaches us, not to hate women, Moloch teaches us to love women. How could you not love that which brings you such sexual pleasure? Moloch teaches us to love women, but also teaches us to understand that women are to be subjugated, as this is how we create a prosperous and powerful society. Subjugated meaning, state office positions are only to be filled by men, military units are to only be men, state leadership is to only be men, Abgalhood is only for men, law-enforcement units are to be men. For how can you hate that which creates healthy offspring? We do not hate women. We only understand they have a place beneath men. Men are not only of better physical strength, but men are of better judgement, better composure, better strength of mind, of more robust psyche, of more organizational capacity. "So you think men are better because big muscles?", this is a very kindergarten and juvenile understanding of power. Power is multi-faceted. Power is not "duh big muscle". Power is composure, ability to focus, resisting temptation, power of judgment, the skill to envision, the skill to build strong collectives, leadership, etc. Do not make me laugh to death, for your kindergarten understanding of power is far too humorous.
14 Women are of poor judgement, and of frail emotion. You cannot entrust the deceitful woman to decipher offspring worthiness. This is why Molochians reject the progressive version of pro-choice values. The woman is inclined to declare that her offspring is worthy, even if it is not. The woman is of frail emotion and of frail mind, and will make poor judgement. Moloch's devotee understands it is a man's right to choose. For the man is of higher capability to make sound decisions in regards to deciphering offspring worthiness. It is not a woman's right to choose. It is the man's right to choose. Women are of course allowed to be a member of the Tophet, but are not permitted to be priestesses or high priestesses. The Tophet shall have relegated areas for its female devotees. Femboys are not granted access into the temple.
15 Feminism is about female-empowerment, and yet, it still has many male supporters and male members. This is similar to the communities of Moloch, but the inverse. Molochianism is focused on empowering men, but that does not mean that a woman cannot be a Molochian herself. To empower men, is to create a stronger society. And thus, if a woman is smart, she will support the empowerment of man. And such an intelligent woman is of progenic quality, and these types of women should be procreated with, and propagated. The woman who respects the empowerment of the Molochian man, is the woman of progenic quality.
16 When a Jew, Christian, or Muslim, tells a Molochian "You are fringe, and therefore cringe.", I find it upmost amusing. Oh how the Abrahamic displays a despicable lack of self-awareness. How goofy, that you levy scorn unto the devotees of Moloch for being fringe in this society, and yet your religions began as fringe. In the beginning, Christianity was a hyper-fringe religion, with only 12 disciples adhering to its teachings. Was Abraham not himself, hyper-fringe? When he embarked on a journey unto the promised land, Canaan. A land where Abraham's monotheistic teachings were alien, and unknown to the Canaanites. Was Islam not fringe, prior to the Rashidun Caliphate? Of course it was. All I can do is laugh myself to death, at the self-own that Abrahamics levy unto themselves. Begone, for you are of dysgenic quality. Your self-owning gaffes are the indicator of your dysgenicness.
17 Men of Moloch are to be fruitful and multiply upon the Earth. And when Moloch's numbers are greater than that of other demographics, begin to transform your cities in accordance to Moloch's teachings. Take the synagogues, and transform them into Moloch's temples. Take the churches, and transform them into Moloch's temples. Take the mosques, and transform them into Moloch's temples. For we have at our disposal, premade temple foundations, that we can utilize when our numbers outmatch those of other demographics. When their Abrahamic places of worship are in the process of transforming into Moloch's temples, recite Molochian mantras in celebration, and praise be unto Moloch's mighty name for an eternity to come. A man is to embrace his conquering urges.
18 Revel in the churches, for there is power to be absorbed within its confines. Visit the church, and rejoice in its halls. Regardless of what Abrahamics get wrong, they are still right about many things, and they still emit power from within their holy places. Power that you can soak up. Revel within the synagogues, for there is power to be absorbed within its confines. Revel within the mosques, for there is power to be absorbed within its confines. Understand where the Abrahamic is wrong, but also do not overlook the power their places of worship emit, for Hashem is of great power, and the devotees of Moloch are not to neglect their roads to power.
19 It's a shame that is has to be, that we must terminate defective offspring. But it is necessary for society and its future generations to get stronger, and to elevate unto new heights. Do not forsake Moloch's teachings. If only society would exalt in Moloch's mighty name more devoutly, our society would be granted many more blessings. Blessings of fertility unto man. If you wish it wasn't so, that we had to terminate incapacitated defects, then praise unto Moloch's name, for there would be born no defects, if we worshipped him devoutly enough.
20 Show respect to strangers and infidels. But when they levy disrespect unto you, and especially when they levy disrespect unto the teachings of Moloch, then you are to show disrespect back unto them, and your disrespect is to be tenfold the potency. You are not obligated to care about their thoughts, or feelings, or pains and sufferings. In fact, those who have levied severe disrespect unto you, you are to celebrate and revel in their misfortunes. Mock them as they suffer, for they have been cursed by the hand of Moloch, and are deserving of the curse that came upon them. Rejoice in their pain, for they have earned it.
The Mantra Of Molochia's Eternal Expansion
For a thousand generations,
we revel in your glory.
Unto Moloch's name,
recite this allegory.
Subjugated are to be,
all those who oppose.
In all lands we see,
Molochia has arose.
Fear not,
for we come to uplift.
For we so loved the world,
we bestow you a gift.
The Golden Calf emerge,
blessing mankind.
For those unmoved,
are dysgenic and blind.
Come to the truth,
break free from delusion.
Subjugate the weak,
subjugate the meek.
An eternity to come,
rejoice in Moloch's name.
Praise be to him,
cleanse man of sin.
Expansion of Molochia,
beautiful sight to see.
Overtake territory,
embark on a spree.
Glorious Moloch,
hear our mantra to you.
For we congregated,
within every land we grew.
Bless us and our flock,
oh Mighty Moloch.
The opposers will fall,
as we bring prosperity to all.
22 The condescension levied unto you by Moloch's opposers, carries no validity. For when they levy scorn and condescension, they reveal more about themselves than they reveal about you. When hordes of opposers come unto thee, and collectively levy scorn, and form a mob of condescension, this is very good. For it reveals the weakness within them. Stay strong, men of Moloch, for the mobs against Moloch only prove the power of Moloch's teachings. Their scorn and condescension unto thee, carries with it, no validity, no legitimacy, but rather, only further validates Molochianism. Enjoy, and sit back in amusement, as the normies of this age levy collective outrage unto the truth, which is that of Moloch and his teachings.
23 The pursuit to be racially hyper-pure, is a pursuit to be dysgenic. At a certain point, you are pursuing so much purity, that it is incestuous, as you do not invite for different genes to enter your next generation, and you are for generations upon generations, only procreating with the same small, limited sample-size of overly-pure genes. The Spanish royal family (the Habsburgs) pursued hyper-purity, as to keep their royal bloodline pure. But this backfired, as the incestuousness made their future generations of kings retarded and dysgenic. The Royal Habsburgs family of Spain, inbred for 16 generations, which produced the extremely dysgenic Charles II of Spain. Charles II had deep developmental delay, intellectual disability, dysarthria, skeletal deformity, recurrent infections, respiratory and diarrheal diseases, recurrent seizures, epilepsy and infertility. All a result, of the pursuit to be hyper-pure. Society should absolutely pursue a removal of inheritable dysgenic genes, through means of patriarchal pro-choice policy. And it would follow that society should not have this downie desire to be too racially pure, for too much racial purity is actually dysgenic. Moloch teaches us to miscegenate women of different races, to procreate with women of different races.
24 Men of Moloch, you are to procreate with women of many and all races, as to avoid overly-pure incestuousness, of the like that racial nationalists promote. Men of Moloch are to impregnate many kinds of women. Women of Caucasian, women of Ebony, women of Oriental, women of Latina, women of India, women of Slav, women of Arabic, women of Native American, women of Turk, etc. Do not restrict your horizons, lest you forsake Moloch's teachings. Explore, dom the women of all races, and miscegenate. Moloch is enraged by the presence of defective offspring, and incestuous procreation gives rise to defective offspring. So do not promote it, and do not perpetuate it, like the racial nationalists do. Rebuke and levy scorn unto these forms of incestuous practice and incestuous doctrine. If you dare participate in, and support, these incestuous doctrines, you will surely be cursed by the hand of Moloch. If you seek to pursue a removal of dygenic genes, then you need to be against incestuousness, for incestuousness gives rise to dysgenics. And moreover, you need to rebuke racial nationalism and racial nationalist sentiment, because racial nationalist sentiment is a doctrine of incestuousness.
25 In this age, if a normie hears you are pro-eugenics, they automatically associate you with racial nationalism. And understably so. For eugenics is something that usually racial nationalists talk about the most, and adhere to the most. The problem is that, racial nationalism contradicts the goal of eugenics. As racial nationalist doctrine, ultimately, is teaching incestuousness, and incestuousness births dygenics. The racial nationalists are very confused, and are counterproductive to their own eugenics ideology. A consistent eugenicist, is for multiracialism, for this is how you avoid the dysgenics of incestuous procreation. You avoid incestuousness by thriving in multiracialism. And so for the average normie, who at first impression, associates me with racial nationalism, because they heard I am for eugenics - it's understandable how you made that mistaken association. But I say unto the normie, that true eugenic progress, can only be made by means of multiracialism, not overly-pure incestuousness. Men of Moloch are men of any and all races. For Moloch teaches us, that we are not to neglect our roads to power. Each God, and each race of man, are roads to power, to be embraced. The true eugenicist, is the multiracialist, not the downie, hyper-purity, racial nationalists.
Moloch 2 : 2
1 Moloch's teachings are not about begoning defective adults who already live in society. We do not do anything illegal. Moloch's teachings are about prohibiting incapacitating defects from generationally propagating. Moloch's teachings are aimed at showing us how to start a domino effect, which leads to a world in which there is no defectives born in the first place. This domino effect, aimed at achieving a world with no defects, starts with taking measures now, and these measures include, the propagation of abortion services, and preventing incapacitative inheritable-defects among society from passing onto future generations. As a Moloch-devotee, you are not to do anything illegal. For we already have our foundation by legal means. And that foundation is legal abortion services.
2 There is of course room for debate, regarding which offspring is inheritably defective enough to be begoned. Yes, an offspring with only a single missing finger can probably grow up to live a healthy, fulfilling, and prosperous life. As long as the fingerlessness is not inheritable, I don't think this offspring-example warrants begonement. There are of course many inheritable defects, which any intelligent and honest person would agree, in an ideal deal world would not be present. Tay-Sachs disease is a great example of an inheritable defect, that anyone of moderate intellect should agree, in an ideal world would not be present in society. In regards to Tay-Sachs disease, symptoms start to show up at about 3 to 6 months of age. Babies with Tay-Sachs disease develop slowly, lose vision and speech, and typically don’t reach school age. Anyone can point out offspring-examples that are a little complicated, in regards to whether or not they necessitate termination. But just because you can cherrypick complicated examples, that does not mean that modern medical science doesn't have a good understanding of which fetals are defective enough as to warrant termination. Science has gone a long way, and we have a very good understanding in this age of what affirms a fetal defective enough as to warrant begonement.
3 Other inheritable defects that warrant termination include: Angelman syndrome, Von Willebrand disease, down syndrome, huntington's disease, duchenne muscular dystrophy, and cystic fibrosis. If you want a healthier and stronger future generation, then do not propagate these defects unto your future generations. For if you do, you will surely be cursed by the hand of Moloch.
4 Simpishness is the teaching that women by default, are to be sided with, trusted, protected, loved, and nurtured. Simpishness is a flawed teaching, that only harms and sabotages men. Woman are not by default to be protected. Women must earn protection. Women are not to be protected, until they first, are respectful unto men of Moloch, and thereby earn their protection. Woman are not by default to be trusted. Women are to be subordinate to man. Women are to be respectful, obedient, and submissive to man. If women are not respectful unto man, then those women are not to be loved, protected, nurtured, or trusted. The woman must first prove that she is worthy of man's protection. She is not entitled to it by default. For this mentality of entitlement is the source of immense female-arrogance unto man. Slap the thots down from their thrones of arrogance, and subjugate them. Simpishness is one of the greatest sins unto Moloch. Do not propagate simpish doctrine. For if you do, you will surely be cursed by the hand of Moloch.
5 As a lone wolf Molochian, or as a small Molochian congregation, you don't have the ability to harness and exercise political power. But fear not, for there is spiritual power to absorb, and to use. If you are not yet in the position to influence the politics of the land, then in the meantime, focus on absorbing spiritual power. Master it. And if you use your energy and power and wisdom in the right way, spiritual power can manifest into political power. With men of Moloch coming together, forming congregations of wisdom, understanding, and power, it is possible to harness enough energy, as to transform it from spiritual power into Earthly political power. Do not neglect your practices and rituals unto Moloch. For the first step is harnessing the power of the spirit. The harnessing of governmental power comes later. This absorption is a process. Do not rush it, and do not dare skip the steps taught unto you by Moloch. For if you rush the process of absorbing and exercising power, and if you dare to skip the steps Moloch has given unto you, you will surely be cursed by his hands.
6 In Moloch's temple, you are to greet your fellow congregation members and any guests. Unless of course they have levied disrespect unto the temple and unto Moloch, in which case they are not worthy of a warm greeting. In Moloch's temple, you greet by saying "Hazak". Hazak literally means "strong", and in the Molochian context, when you greet someone with "Hazak" you are essentially telling them "I wish you strength"/ "I wish strength upon you".
7 Break bread with the infidels. For we seek only to make them strong. Unto the curious and well-meaning infidels, I say unto you - Hazak! Curiosity about Moloch is the first step to empowerment. When there is curiosity in the mind of the infidel, that is good, for he is beginning to experience Moloch's power. Moloch is power. If we love our fellow humanity, therefore we should empower them, for that is the loving thing to do, and we empower them by proselytizing Moloch's teachings, breaking bread, inviting guests into the temple, and understanding where they come from. Their belief-system, no matter how misguided and dysgenic, has come from somewhere, and there is power in understanding where their belief-system comes from. Do not neglect Moloch's teachings. You are to understand the infidel's belief-system, understand their perspective, how they got there, and where it originates. If you do not do this, you will surely be cursed by the hand of Moloch.
8 Men of Moloch are granted an unlimited number of courtesans. We are granted this right by Moloch himself. For Moloch's men are to shag with women of all races. Patriarchal-polyamory is the healthiest way for man to be - the most powerful way for man to be. Subjugate women to man, subjugate courtesan to mack. Mackism, is the practice of men having many courtesans, limitless female sex-partners, being inclusive to women of all races. Men of Moloch are to be macks. The sinful infidels, are that of simps. Bring the simps before the throne of Moloch, and remold them. Reshape them. Save them from their path to decay and self-sabatoge. Saving men from their simpish demise, is the upmost loving thing to do for your fellow man.
9 For the fetals deemed worthy of propagating themself, they are to be raised in the Tophet. For when Molochia comes, there will be within Moloch's temples, Dumu Quarters. A Dumu Quarter is the area of the Tophet designated for the younglings. The Molochian childhood will be that of greatness. Great Abgal father-figures. Great and nutritious food. Toys and games to play. Outstanding education standards. And of course, the blessings of Moloch will be upon the younglings, and Molochian values will be imposed unto the younglings. For the next Molochian generation, will be stronger and more robust than the previous. Hazak to Molochia! Hazak to the Tophet! Hazak to the congregation! Hazak to Moloch's younglings! And praise be unto Moloch's name for an eternity to come!
10 Malachite, a powerful gemstone that consolidates your connection with Moloch, a gemstone revered and held sacred by men of Moloch: When Molochia comes, if anyone dare to sell counterfeit Malachite, they are to serve no less than 10 years in prison. And for everyone who had mistaken the phony-Malachite for legitimate Malachite, and had purchased it, you will be given your money back by the Molochian state. Do not test Moloch's patience with your sin. For when you play stupid games, you will surely win stupid prizes. Or in other words, fuck around and find out.
11 Men of Moloch are to have conversations with the infidels. Granted of course, that the infidel is speaking to you with the aim of understanding your teachings and practices. In the case that an infidel is not aiming to understand you, but rather striving to misrepresent and slander you, then do not waste your breath having conversations with them. For there is no upside in having a conversation with an infidel of this dysgenic character. If the infidel seeks only to find a "gotcha", then do not waste your breath. Reserve your time for the infidels that are honest, and that listen to what you preach, and understand it accurately. If an infidel refuses to understand Moloch's teachings accurately, and will not restate Moloch's teachings accurately, then lead by example, and treat these dysgenic infidels like the worthless dung they are.
12 It is a waste of time to pretend there is value in having conversations with dishonest infidels, only seeking to "expose" you, or find a "gotcha" on you - the types of infidels who only seek that of brownie points, and are only seeking to "pwn you" in the public eye, by any means necessary, even if those means include slander upon Moloch, and misrepresentation of his teachings, putting words in the mouth of Moloch's men, which were never there. Infidels of this character, are known as "Dungfidels". Dungfidels are to be shunned, blocked, disengaged with, not payed attention to, ignored, ghosted, and are not to be respected in any way, shape, or form. They are that of dung, so do not waste your breath. If you develop a habit of wasting your breath on Dungfidels, you will surely be cursed by the hand of Moloch.
13 Take the synagogues, and transform them into Tophets. Take the churches, and transform them into Tophets. Take the mosques, and transform them into Tophets. Recite Molochian mantras as the Abrahamic holy places are remolded by truth, which is that of Moloch's teachings. Praise be unto Moloch's mighty name for an eternity to come.
14 Democracy is double untrue. For one, democracy can never fully occur, for the nature of man will no doubt erect hierarchy, and impose leadership unto the masses. For two, even if democracy could fully occur, it would be a very inefficient way of structuring society. Society can only attain democratic elements, but can never attain full democracy, for the reality is, that the nature of man is to structure hierarchy, and this is a good nature, for it develops efficient societies. The issue with democracy is that there are too many checks and balances. On one hand, Americans complain that nothing ever changes, "nothing ever gets done" - and funnily enough, these are the same people who preach Democracy as an ideal. Pursuing democracy is the very reason why nothing can change or get done. In a Democracy, there are too many pre-trials, pre-approvals, and too many checkpoints a proposal has to get through before it can be imposed on society. Within Autocracy, you can impose policy immediately, with the snap of the supreme Autocrat's finger (Moloch and The Shaddad). And thus, when there is a policy proposal that needs to be imposed ASAP, for the benefit and prosperity of Molochia's citizens, Autocracy is what enables us to immediately impose those policies. A pursuit for Democratic society, would only hold us back, and drag man into weakness - pursuing that which can never fully occur. Do not propagate a culture of lies, a culture of deception. For this preaching of Democratic doctrine, is a preaching of lies, and trickery. For not only could it never fully occur, but even if it could fully occur, it would be a very bad thing.
15 Mass-printing scripture, and handing out those scriptures unto the public, for the public to understand and digest one's teachings - this is a very powerful method of proselytization. The Abrahamics are successful for good reasons, and this is one of those reasons. Give credit where credit is due. Men of Moloch, take notes. Understand the power within mass-printing scripture, and handing it out to proselytize. The Christians mass-print their holy bible, and give their scriptures to the public, in many cases completely free of charge. The Muslims mass-print their holy quran, and give their scriptures to the public, in many cases completely free of charge. Do not be a stubborn and ignorant fool. Learn from the Abrahamics. For whatever their flaws and untruths may be, the Abrahamics also get many things right, for if they didn't get at least some things right, there is no way they would have become the most popular spiritual paths in the world. It has now come into question, if they will remain the most popular spiritual paths. Men of Moloch, we put Abrahamic predominance into question, we bring their predominance over the land into vulnerability, and into uncertain future. Take notes, and whatever the Abrahamics do that is right, do the same. For we ought to mass-print Moloch's teachings - compile scripture, mass-print scripture, and give Molochian scripture unto the public, and in many cases completely free of charge. For the Abrahamics have proved this to be a very effective form of proselytizing one's teachings.
16 To the cocksure Abrahamics: Do not be so certain, that after your death, your soul will enter Abraham's Bosom. For Moloch's domain is encroaching upon the lands of Cybelium, and every decade Moloch's domain encroaches moreover. Hashem's predominance over the land has no doubt gone into question, it has been brought into vulnerability by Moloch's devotees and Moloch's influence. For when Moloch's domain overpowers and overwhelms the lands which were once under Abrahamic predominance, the Abrahamics that remain will then be in the custody of Moloch's Angels. When you die under Moloch's Earthly domain, your soul will enter his realm, not Hashem's realm. And after Molochia covers the whole of the Earth, we are set to overtake all the territory of Sheol next. Both Abraham's Bosom and Satan's province will be Moloch's. Souls reincarnate unto the realm of the God that is interested enough in you to take you there. Do not be so sure you will gilgul into Abraham's Bosom, for there is now a God (Moloch) more interested in humanity and its future, than that of Hashem's interest. When Molochia rules the lands you live in, you will be gilguled unto Moloch's realms after death.
17 We, the men of Moloch, are to uphold many responsibilities given unto us by Moloch, as Moloch's commandments are many. We are not to sin, we are not to be of simpishness, we are not to be of lactose intolerance, we are not to be of monogamousness, we are not be of incestuousness, we are not to nurture defective offspring, we are not to waste our breath on Dungfidels, we are not to overlook what the Abrahamics do right, we are not to neglect our roads to power, etc. The congregations in the Tophets, are to uphold these duties. If a congregation is revealed to be of immense sin, and that of pattern-like sin, wherein the sin is not being corrected, or even worse, not even noticed or cared about: When there is a pseudo-congregation, not following Moloch's commandments, Moloch will curse them. For this has already happened in history. Moloch's men had their Lamassu protectors revoked, and they were cursed and crushed, and this is what we deserve if we do not uphold Moloch's commandments. Uphold the commandments of Moloch, lest you have your protectors revoked by his hands, lest you be cursed by his hands, which you will surely have deserved, if you have neglected his commandments.
18 There's lots of energy, all around us, that by default, we can't tap into, because of our anatomy and biology, anchoring restrictions unto man. There's energy that electric eels can tap into, that humans can't. There's frequencies that dogs can tap into, that humans can't. There's sonar and echolocation frequencies, that bats can tap into, but humans can't. So much energy in this world, and yet, man can only access and utilize a small amount of said energy. Sorcery, ritual, divination - this is a process in which you tap into energies, that by default, you usually cannot tap into. Science studies energies, and how they can be used. Sorcery also studies energies, and how they can be used. In many ways, science is spiritual, and spirituality is a science. Science figures out how to use energies from a technological standpoint, which is a great thing. Sorcery figures out how to use energies from the standpoint of communicating with spirits, and requesting blessings, or wisdom, or knowledge, or power from said spirits. In this sense, science and sorcery are very similar.
19 There's 3 methods man can use to tap into energies that usually man cannot tap into. The use of technology, the use of sorcery, and the use of stimulants. The Molochian is to use all 3, as Moloch teaches us not to neglect our roads to power. Maximize your technological advancements. Master your ability to communicate with Gods and spirits. Master your stimulant dosage, master the art of consuming stimulants in the right time and right way. If you neglect even one of these roads, and especially if you develop a pattern of this neglect, you will surely be cursed by the hand of Moloch.
20 As a Molochian, given the choice between the three main branches of Abrahamism: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - the best option of these 3, the lesser of the three evils, the least harmful option, is Judaism. As men of Moloch, if you had to choose one of these three main branches of Abrahamism to live alongside, you would want to pick Judaism. And the reason is, Judaism is much closer to Canaanite Paganism than Christianity or Islam is. All branches of Abrahamism, still have within them, Pagan elements, and always will, no matter how much they attempt to eradicate those elements, because Pagan-roots is ultimately where all Abrahamism is derived. Judaism has predominant Pagan-practice through Kabbalah. But even more importantly, the focus of Judaism, is that the Israelites are struggling between two options, they're in a tug-of-war between their Polytheist-roots vs Yahweh's monotheistic teachings. The Molochian approaches the Jew, in the middle of his struggle, and tries to convince the Jew to choose the Polytheist-roots over Hashem's teachings. Which to my surprise, is more successful than you might think.
21 Christianity is not focused on the same tug-of-war between Canaanite Polytheism vs monotheism. Christianity is focused on the New Testament, focused on their messiah-claimant. The emphasis and the focus is completely different than Judaism. The emphasis is not about Canaanite Polytheism, it's about a messiah-claimant, and a false one at that. Islam as well, is not so much focused on the same tug-of-war between Canaanite Polytheism vs monotheism. The focus is on the prophet Muhammad. Hence, Christianity and Islam are further from Canaanite Polytheism than Judaism is. Judaism is much closer to Canaanite Paganism, because Judaism's focus is set on a Polytheist-struggle, as the Jew has his roots in Canaanite Polytheism. And so there is much more common ground that a Molochian has with a Jew, vs a Christian or Muslim. There's much more leverage you have when converting a Jew, much more relatability you have with a Jew, much more in common with a Jew, than you have with the other 2 main branches of Abrahamism, Christianity and Islam.
22 Christianity is the following of a false messiah, but it's still a theologically-rich New Testament nonetheless, and it's worth reading. Jesus could not have been the true messiah, for Jesus did not bring about the return of Elijah, and Jesus was not a patrilineal descendant of King Solomon and King David, and Jesus did not bring about world peace in his time, and Jesus did not come when the whole of the Earth worshipped the God of Abraham. Jesus and his followers, admit that Jesus is a failure. If Jesus was truly the messiah, he would have accomplished all that the messiah was meant to accomplish, the first time he came. But he failed, and that's why Jesus has to come a 2nd time, because he failed to fulfill the messianic prophecy the first time. Apart from all these facts, which surely disqualify Jesus as being the true messiah - there is also good evidence to disbelieve the claims of miracles.
23 For example, the miracle that stands out the most, the virgin-birth: There is absolutely no evidence, that Mary was divinely impregnated by God (Hashem). There is evidence, that Mary slept with another man before marrying Jospeh, and after Mary realized she got impregnated by that other man, Mary hid the fact that she had been impregnated by another man, by claiming it was a divine impregnation by God. There is much to be distrustful about and skeptical about regarding this virgin-birth claim. And knowing that the most significant miracle-claim is untrue, it discredits all of Jesus's other miracle-claims. Not only does Jesus fail to fulfill the messianic criteria, not only does Christ and his followers admit that he is a failure, on top of all that, the miracle-claims regarding Jesus, are untrue and unfounded. Jesus, was not the son of Hashem. Jesus was only a man, who got crucified. Although, despite this, Jesus is still a fascinating and theologically-rich historical figure, worth reading about. For he did exist, but was not the son of Hashem. Jesus was not the son of God, but rather, only a man, and knowing this brings you closure, as it saves you from wasting your life, waiting for the disappointing 2nd coming of Jesus. The 2nd coming of Christ, could in theory happen, if Jesus happens to be reincarnated (gilguled) back into the realm of Cybelium. And if Jesus does return, sit back in amusement, for Jesus will fail the messianic mission a 2nd time.
24 Canaanite history is a major part of Jewish history. One of the most important and crucial parts of Jewish history, is Canaan, the Canaanites, the Canaanite Pantheon (where Yahweh comes from), The First Temple, and King Solomon. Do not underestimate how much Moloch and Moloch's teachings will resonante with a Jew. For many Jews, Canaanite history resonates immensely, for Canaanite history is one of the biggest parts of Jewish history. There's a lot of common ground Molochians have with Jews. Kabbalistic sorcery has been used in Moloch's name many times (The Moloch Familiarum). When it comes to the Kabbalah, both Jews and Molochians have overlap, for they both practice it. Granted, a Jew and a Molochian may use Kabbalah in different ways. A Jew may choose to actively shun and avoid certain types of Kabbalistic practice, in their pursuit to appease Yahweh, and thus they'll avoid the Kabbalistic practices that venerate the Deities of the Canaanite Pantheon. Nonetheless, you as a Molochian, a worshipper of the Canaanite Deities (including Yahweh), one who glorifies King Solomon, one who revels in the power of The First Temple - you as a Molochian, have much to offer a Jew, and you have much that will resonate with a Jew. Much that will resonate emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Be charitable to the Jews, for they tend to be of great intellect, and will no doubt resonate with Moloch's teachings. Even when they deny it, their actions speak louder than words. Pay attention, men of Moloch. For you have more in common with a Jew, than a Christian has with a Jew.
The "Moloch Familiarum" Kabbalistic Seal
Moloch's Familiarum, meaning "Moloch's Household"
"Moloch's Household" refers to the men of Moloch within the Tophet
and the Angels of Moloch within the Tophet
thereby proclaiming Moloch's Kingdom, AKA Molochia
"Moloch's Familiarum" in essence means Molochia, Moloch's Kingdom
Moloch 2 : 3
1 The Abrahamic consensus, is that "When humanity started, all of man started off as monotheists, praising the one true God, Hashem. Through corruption, man created new Gods, and Polytheism arose.". Abrahamics have this delusional view of human history, wherein, all of man worshipped "the one true God" in the beginning, and then Polytheism came later. Unfortunately for the Abrahamics, all the archeological evidence points to the opposite. The archeological evidence shows, that in the beginning, the whole of humanity was Polytheistic. And through corruption of Polytheist-practice arose monotheism. All men were Polytheists in the start, monotheism came later in human history. Abrahamics took a God from the Canaanite pantheon, and corrupted it - they twisted it, to manufacture a monotheistic version of what was originally a Pagan God, a Pagan God that was worshipped alongside many other Gods on the Canaanite pantheon. Yahweh is a Pagan God, who was originally worshipped alongside Moloch. Do not fall for Abrahamic lies. The Sumerians, The Akkadians, The Canaanites, etc. Many great Polytheist civilizations came before the Abrahamics eventually showed up, preaching their monotheistic teachings of weakness. The power of Moloch gives us great vision, and we are no doubt able to see through lies of this caliber.
2 Within Moloch's Kingdom, if a woman dare to do such a loathsome crime, as to attempt to malevolently sever or mutilate a man's genitals, there will follow unto her, excruciating punishment from the Molochian state. A woman of such severely dysgenic quality is to be swallowed by the Brazen Bull without pity. This abomination, the woman of this dysgenic magnitude, that of willing to commit one of the most sinful transgressions in Molochia - this woman is to be dealt with by means of capital punishment, via the Bronze Bull. Molochia is aimed at the empowerment of man. To violently sin against the crux of manhood is deserving of the upmost excruciating capital punishment. Do not test the patience of Moloch and Moloch's Angels. If you cross these sacred lines, woman, you will regret it, and you will have earned for yourself a one-way trip to the belly of the Bronze Beast.
3 The domesticated Aurochs produces much more milk than is needed to feed their calf. The immense magnitude of milk that a cow produces, is so by dint of Moloch's devotees. For without the men of Moloch utilizing Moloch's gift unto man, and without us domesticating and selectively-breeding Moloch's gift unto man, we would not have the abundance of Aurochs-milk that we see today. For the Aurochs was first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent, a region that was a hotspot for ancient Moloch-worship. Show respect, give thanks to the men of Moloch, for without us, and without our Molochian teachings, the world we know as Earth would otherwise be devoid of this beautiful gift. Moloch-worship has always been with us, it only went on hiatus. For Moloch grew tired of disobedience to his teachings, and revoked his protection unto his followers, and lost interest in this world. But with The Written Manakh comes a new era unto man. The era of Moloch's return. For he has a newfound interest in the dominion over this realm we know as Earth, but what Moloch's domain knows as Cybelium.
4 You, men of Moloch, are to consume potions of caffeine. For how can man heighten his ability to focus, without first utilizing the stimulants of the Earth? Usually, one does not think of an energy drink as a potion, but it is. A potion is merely a drink containing substances, which have been added for a desired effect on the consumer. Caffeine is so casually consumed by the majority of people, that it is not usually thought of as a drug, yet it absolutely is. It is a very effective stimulant, that most people in this age are consuming regularly. Infuse your potions with other stimulants and useful substances, as to explore the untapped energy around you. Infuse your potions with caffeine, rhodiola, cordyceps, ashwagandha, nicotine, vitamin B12, and taurine. Perfect the mixture and dosage. Utilize the stimulants of the Earth, for Moloch made the land fertile. Do not neglect Moloch's gifts unto man, for if you do, you will surely be cursed by his hands.
5 When Molochia comes, it will eventually overtake and consume the promised land, thereby returning the sacred lands of Israel to its former Solomonic glory. The First Temple is to be rebuilt, and the men of Moloch are to do this when Molochia consumes the promised land. Kabbalistic divination in Moloch's name shall take place in the rebuilt temple. The rebuilt temple shall be known as the Astro-Solomonic Tophet. Do not neglect your assignment, men of Moloch. When the era of Molochia consuming Israel arrives, you are to rebuild Solomon's Temple. If you do not obey this command, you will be rigorously cursed by Moloch's hands, and sent into an era of shame and punishment. For if we do not follow the commands of Moloch, we are deserving of his curses.
6 Every 5th Shaddad must be a Taurus. The 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, etc. In Moloch's name, we ensure that the nature of the bull is exalted and emboldened in Molochian society. There is no better way to do this, than to have a system in which every 5th Shaddad is a Taurus. If a man proclaims he is the Shaddad, yet he is non-Taurus as one of the Shaddadic-5ths, he is an illegitimate Shaddad, and a fraud, and you are to slap him down from his throne of lies, and put him in his place. Exalt in the nature of the bull for an eternity to come. Revel in Moloch's glorious name for all time.
7 Outsiders may ask, "How many Gods does a Molochian worship in total?". The answer is: However many that can be found. For every God has some extent of wisdom, understanding, and power to offer. All you must do to receive these blessings, is communicate with Gods through ritual. Every race of man, was molded uniquely and differently, by separate creation-Deities. And every creation-Deity, belongs to a unique pantheon. Understand every pantheon, for there is power to be soaked up from all these sources. Travel the globe, and familiarize thyself with all the pantheons you find. Do not neglect your roads to power, for if you do, you will surely be cursed by the hands of Moloch.
8 Moloch's teachings, are that of subjugating women, for that is how society becomes stronger. Moloch's teachings are that of rejecting monogamousness, for that is how man becomes stronger, and therefore how society becomes stronger. Even though Molochia is not egalitarian when it comes to men and women, in a certain sense men and women are still equal. In the sense that, both men and women are equally expected to uphold the teachings of Moloch. And in the case that a man profanes Moloch's teachings, but yet the woman is obedient and devoted to Moloch's teachings, then the woman in this scenario is to be sided with over the man. By default, women are not worthy of being sided with, because that's something a woman must earn, through adherence to Moloch's teachings. When a woman does fulfill her Molochian duties, she has been granted the right to care, protection, and being sided with. On the same token, if a man is that of apostacy, if he was a member of the Tophet, and later profanes the truth, and leaves the Tophet, this man has lost his right to protection, love, care, and being sided with. Men and women, are equal in so far as, they both are expected to uphold the teachings of Moloch, and moreover, they both can be rewarded or punished, depending on if they adhere to, or profane Molochian teachings. The Molochian woman is of more value than the non-Molochian man.
9 In Molochia, we do not jibe the spirits of dead men. Cemeteries and gravestones, are to be respected, regardless of who is buried, even if the one buried is your hated enemy. The graveyard is a place of sanctity, so do not desecrate it. Anyone who dare do something as vile as to intentionally desecrate a gravestone, with motive of malice and spite, are to serve no less than 20 years in prison. There are things that you should be doing in a cemetery, and things that you shouldn't be doing in a cemetery. You should be there to mourn the loss of your beloveds, to pay respects to the beloveds of others, to perform rituals and divinations, and as a cemetery-worker, tidy up the cemetery. One is not to profane the spirits of dead men, nor provoke them, nor desecrate their resting place. During the process of conquest, do not respect your hated enemies in life, but respect them in death. During war, you are to destroy the enemy, but also remember, when you have defeated them, lay them to rest in a respectful manner. Respect and recognize the sanctity of their resting place. If you fail to respect the resting places of dead men, you will be cursed, not only by the hands of Moloch, but as well as the hands of many other Deities and spirits that you have provoked and angered with your foolishness.
10 At the end of the day, some group is going to be the inhabitants of and rulers over Israel. The best case scenario, is that the Kabbalah-practitioners inhabit and rule Israel. In other words: Given the choice between the three main branches of Abrahamism, the best of the three options for Israel, is the Jews. The Jews should inhabit and run Israel, for they are the only branch of Abrahamism that practices Kabbalah, and they are the only Abrahamic branch that understands gilgul, and they are the only ones that staunchly parade the Star Of Remphan. Judaism is the branch of Abrahamism that is closest to Molochianism. Become well-acquainted with your local Rabbis, for the Rabbis are of more insight and wisdom than that of a pastor or imam. Rabbis tend to be of great intellect, and tend to at least dabble in Kabbalah, and therefore, they are the ones that a Molochian wants running Israel. The Jews make more use of this holy land than the Christians or Muslims would.
11 Gentiles are to take responsibility for their own failures. Refrain from using the Jews as a scapegoat for your own misfortunes and negligence. The problems that anti-Semites nag about, are not derived from an external Jewish source. The problems that anti-Semites nag about, have their source internally. Your issues are from within, so leave the Jews out of it, as they are not responsible for your flaws. You are responsible for your own flaws. Everyone has a mix of internal and external challenges and problems. For you as a gentile, to nag and whine that the Jews are the all encompassing source of your misfortunes, and that they are culpable for gentile-issues, and to sit around all day trying to justify lunatic conspiracies - you are of frail mind and frail emotion, and you are not a strong man of Moloch, you are a wimp. Wimps of this character are not to be granted membership of the Tophet. Strong men of Moloch are not interested in scapegoating the Jews, because in fact, the Jews do not drag down the gentiles, rather they enlighten the gentiles, and make the gentiles stronger. The Jews have much wisdom to share with this world, and if you would only listen and pay attention, rather than nag and grumble at them, you would learn a thing or two from the Kabbalist Rabbis.
12 A single tiny ant on the dirt, is of no interest. It is only an average ant. Nothing to be interested about. But, if an ant constructed an idol of you, then placed seeds and placed slayed-beetles before that idol, as an offering to you, that would most certainly capture your interest, and motivate you to intervene in the life of that ant, and perhaps in the doings of his whole colony. Much like this analogy: We are by default, not of any interest to God, as by default, we are only men. You only capture the attention of a spirit or God, when you have exercised ritual unto them. When you stop exercising your rituals, you will certainly lose the interest of God. Do not lose Moloch's interest, for if you do, you will surely have your Lamassu protectors revoked.
Mantra Of The Holy Land
Oh Moloch,
consume The Temple Mount.
Swallow it whole,
as you are paramount.
Cherish the Tophet,
revel in knowledge.
Solomon's wisdom,
all will acknowledge.
A sorcerer's haven,
submerged in Kabbalah.
Break bread and smile,
enjoy copious hallah.
Summon Angels,
summon Lamassu.
Behold our legion,
fearful foes flew.
Simply overpower.
What can they do?
Show us respect,
and say thank you.
This holy land,
brought to its peak.
Blessings to all,
its power we seek.
Long live Israel!
Great Jerusalem!
Parade Remphan!
Widen our span!
In Moloch's name,
cherish this land.
A Solomonic Tophet,
under Moloch's command.
14 Moloch, the melech of Molochia. Moloch, the melech of the Lamassu. Moloch, the melech and creator of the Aurochs, your generous gift unto man. The coming era unto man, is that of Moloch establishing himself as the melech of this world. Oh Mighty Moloch, the king of Molochia, the king of the Lamassu, the king of the Aurochs, and eventually-to-be king of this realm: We rejoice in your presence, power, and mighty name, for an eternity to come. Your power shall be unleashed upon the Earth, and the kingdom you establish here, will be everlasting. To the cocksure enemies of Moloch: Do not underestimate the precision and validity of Molochian prophecy. The swelling of Molochian influence over the lands of the Earth will surely come, and it will come when you least expect it. As a further note to the anti-Molochian: When Moloch's kingdom consumes the land in which you live, you must then repent unto Molochia, and with sincerity. If you refuse to recognize the evil and wrongdoing in regards to your opposition to Moloch and Molochia, you have earned for yourself the might of Moloch's men unleashed upon you. Understand your place in the newfound kingdom, which will consume the Earth, and establish its law and customs. Fear not, we have not come to be sadistic or malevolent, but rather, we have come because our mission is to make you stronger, and to make this world more prosperous and beautiful.
15 Molochianism is a form of Polytheism that emphasizes Moloch and Moloch's teachings. Moloch's instructions on how to become powerful, involve a journey wherein you find and identify all the true Gods that you can, and all the true Gods that you have identified, worship them, understand them, and perform ritual unto them, as to absorb as much wisdom and power as a man can. Molochian doctrine is that one limits their power when they only absorb from one road. In monotheism, you only soak up understanding, wisdom, and power, from a single source, only one God. In contrast, Polytheist-practice soaks up power and energy from potentially as many sources as can be found. Do not revel in ignorance, like the monotheists do. Monotheists have only limited understanding, as they have only ever received information and answers from one God. Monotheists are weak, and they are to be recognized as the weaklings they are. Do not succumb to their weakness, men of Moloch. Everlastingly, we glorify Moloch's mighty name.
16 Spartan practice, wherein the military-class disposed of defective and ill-born offspring, has the same goals as Molochian practice. When offspring were born too weak, too ill, too defective, the Spartans would terminate the defects by means of throwing them off Mount Taygetus. In ancient times, the Molochian form of defect-termination was by means of placing the defects into the fires of Moloch. In this current era, thanks to modern science, the ability to detect and begone defective fetals has never been easier. Exalt in this miracle of modern science. The purpose of Spartan defect-termination, and Molochian defect-termination, is exactly the same. It is to make the future generations of men stronger, as opposed to weakening future generations by tolerating the propagation of inheritable defects. To the credit of the Spartans, their defect-termination was an effective practice, as it made their military men stronger than they otherwise would have been. The proof is in the pudding, when the Spartans had an overwhelming victory in the Battle Of Plataea. Without the might of the Spartans, the Achaemenid Empire would have successfully conquered all of Greece, and changed the trajectory of history. The rest of Greece has lots of thanks to give the Spartans, for their wise practices led Greece to victory against all odds. The Spartans were mighty warriors, who only lost battles when they were severely outnumbered by their enemies. Any battle where the Spartans were equal in numbers to their enemies, the Spartans won.
17 Sun-veneration has both a masculine form and feminine form. There is both a male and female embodiment of sun-worship. The Tophet practices the masculine form of sun-veneration, which is that of Utu. The Astrophet practices the female form of sun-veneration, which is that of Shapash. Moon-veneration has both a masuline form and feminine form. There is both a male and female embodiment of moon-worship. The Tophet practices the masculine form of moon-veneration, which is that of Nannar. The Astrophet practices the female form of moon-veneration, which is that of Luna. Women are not to be priestesses or high priestesses within the Tophet. However, women can be priestesses within an Astrophet. An Astrophet, is a temple dedicated to the study of, practice of, and rituals related to, Astrolatry, and thus is distinct from a Tophet, which is a temple specialized in Moloch-worship. Moloch is about strength, and thus the sex of strength is to lead the Tophet in service, not the sex of frailty. Understand Moloch's teachings, understand he is about strength, and understand that this is why only the sex of strength can lead the Tophet in service.
To the left is the Sigil Of Utu, also known as the Sun Disk Of Shamash. Utu embodies the masculine form of sun-worship.
To the right is the Sigil Of Shapash, also known as the Sun Of Shapash. A sun symbol with specifically 12 flames around it. Shapash embodies the feminine form of sun-worship.
To the left is the Sigil Of Nannar, also known as the Crescent Of Nannar. Nannar embodies the masculine form of moon-worship. It's worth noting that the star within the moon is not a random star. That star represents the Mesopotamian Goddess Ishtar, who is associated with the planet Venus specifically.
To the right is the Sigil Of Luna, also known as the Triple Moon Goddess, or the Moon Of Luna. Luna embodies the feminine form of moon-worship.
18 It's worth noting that Astrology (what Molochians call Astrolatry) has its origins in ancient Mesopotamia, in the Fertile Crescent. There is real energy, power, wisdom, and understanding, to be absorbed from Astrolatry-practice. In this current era, Astrology has become a very hipster thing. It's a very trendy thing, in which teens use it in a very gossipy and goofy way. The way this current trendy Astrology is practiced, is not at all reminiscent of how the ancient Mesopotamians practiced Astrolatry. Do not let ignorant hipsters ruin your view of Astrology, or turn you away from it. For they only desecrate and misuse a practice, that was once used in the right way, as to strengthen man with real power. There is real power in it. There is true power to be absorbed within the practice of Astrolatry. Babylonian Astrology, has an immensity of practices, divinations, and rituals, that the modern hipster-Astrologist is not practicing, and that the modern hipster-Astrologist is neglecting. Astrolatry is a road to power, to be embraced. Do not neglect the immense energy and power there is within Astrolatry. If you neglect this road to power, you will surely be cursed by the hands of Moloch.
19 The lotus symbolizes new life coming into this realm. The sandglass symbolizes death, and furthermore, the wings symbolize the process in which the soul travels from this realm to another. The wings reflect the process in which the soul reincarnates into another realm. Both the lotus and the sandglass, relate to the gilgul, the process of reincarnation. Understand life and death, and understand that life is temporary, but also death is temporary. When practicing fertility-ritual, place lotus sigils around your altar. When practicing black magic, especially black magic related to wishing death upon your enemy, place sandglass sigils around your altar.
To the left is a lotus sigil
To the right is a winged-sandglass sigil
20 When fire is treated properly, it empowers you. When fire is treated improperly, it harms you. When one treats fire properly, it enables you to cook food, it enables you to keep warm, it enables you to perform ritual with the mavan, it enables you to smoke tobacco. When one treats fire improperly, it becomes a raging and uncontrollable fire, and this raging fire destroys your temples, destroys your people, mercilessly destroys everything in its path. The Molochian spirit is like fire. Show the men of Moloch respect, and you will become enlightened and empowered. Show us disrespect, and even further, attempt to levy harm, and you are to expect to get burned. Do not play with fire. Respect fire. When one respects fire, the fires levy unto you white magic, receiving blessings. When one disrespects and misuses fire, the fires levy unto you black magic, receiving curses.
Mantra Of The Fires
As the fires,
white or black.
Thy attitude,
bring aid or attack.
Two sides.
Which do you seek?
White blessings?
Or black streaks?
Hot termination,
the ill-born ones.
Dispose of defects,
dispose in tons.
Let me feed,
let me breed.
Fires are the source.
Let me scorch,
let me torch.
On my conquering horse.
In Moloch's fires,
become enlightened.
This is the path,
our power heightened.
In Moloch's name,
I am empowered.
For Moloch's kingdom,
has Earth devoured.
22 Remphan is the most powerful Angel of Moloch. The highest of highest of the Angels, is Remphan. Before the six-pointed star was called the Star Of David, it was known as the Seal Of Solomon. And where did Solomon and Solomon's Temple get the six-pointed star from? They got the star from Remphan. The six-pointed star that today Israel staunchly parades, has its origins in Moloch's highest Angel, Remphan. The Star Of Remphan, is Remphan's sigil (Acts 7:43). This is why the Star Of Remphan is of upmost importance in Moloch-worship. This sigil is paramount to Molochian-practice, to Molochcraft. Adorn your altars with the Sigil Of Remphan. Adorn your homes with the Sigil Of Remphan. Adorn your Tophets with the Sigil Of Remphan. Tattoo thyselves with the Sigil Of Remphan. The Molochian man shall be sanctified in the power of Remphan's Star. Be safe on your journeys, men of Moloch - and what better way to bless and fortify thyself, than to adorn thyself in Remphan's Star?
23 The eternal fires of Moloch's kingdom, the fires of Moloch's altar, the rituals performed by utilizing the fires of Moloch - the eternal fires of Moloch's kingdom, is known as the Gehenna. Satan is never a villain in the Old Testament. The Judaic understanding of Satan (the correct understanding) is that Satan is simply a unit of Hashem, tasked with trying to tempt Hashem's followers, to find out how obedient they are to the commandments. When Satan finds that a Hashem-devotee has violated Hashem's commandments, Satan's job is to prosecute them for those violations. That's it. The Christians completely changed the identity of Satan. The Christians confused Moloch with Satan. The eternal fire, the torment of those within fire, the horns, the altars shrouded in darkness: All of these descriptions and aesthetics, which the New Testament associates with Satan, actually has nothing to do with Satan. The Christians took everything about Moloch, and confused Moloch with Satan, and then applied all of Moloch's attributes and aesthetics to Satan.
24 Satan is not an opposing force to Hashem. Satan is a unit of Hashem, Satan does the bidding of Hashem. The mixup of entities within Christian-theology, it's a bunch of nonsense, it confuses and mixes up two completely different entities, that are not the same entity. In the Old Testament, the bigbad is Moloch, not Satan. It's not until the New Testament came, that strangely it changed, and suddenly the bigbad is now Satan. The Christian term "Hell" was taken from the Nordic word "Hel" which is a realm described within Norse Paganism. Read about the realm of Hel, which is a realm ruled over by a Norse Goddess, whose name is also "Hel". Hel has nothing to do with eternal fires, or altars shrouded in darkness. On top of mixing up two separate entities, Moloch and Satan, the Christians have also mixed up two separate realms, Hel and Gehenna. Hel is a realm within Norse Paganism. Gehenna is the eternal fires of Moloch's domain. Christians borrowed Hel from the Norse Pagans, and confused Hel with Gehenna. All the attributes of, aesthetics of, descriptions of, Satan, all of which you typically associate with Satan, has actually nothing to do with Satan. The attributes of Satan in New Testament theology, is actually about Moloch.
25 You don't have to be religious to enjoy reading and enjoy studying the Tanakh. The Tanakh is both a religious book and a history book. Abraham was a real person. The city of Ur was a real place. Solomon was a real king. The First Temple was a real temple. The Neo-Babylonian Empire was a real empire, who really destroyed The First Temple. The genealogy of the kings of Judah, is real. All of this existed. The Israelites did not make stuff up, they did not write down blatant lies. They wrote down what they saw with their own eyes. They wrote down what they experienced. The only lies that are spewed within the scripture, is that of Hashem's lies. Hashem has lied about many things, to make himself appear as the highest of the highest of Gods, but he is not. Hashem's jealousy has motivated him to spread lies. In terms of the historicity of the Tanakh, it's all true. The Moloch-worship that took place in the time of King Solomon, within The First Temple, that really happened. The Tanakh is one of the finest books ever written. You cannot understand world history, without understanding the history of Canaan, without understanding Jewish history. Study the Tanakh, men of Moloch. Thoroughly understand the history of Canaan. Master how to navigate the text, for Hashem's lies will show up throughout the scriptures. The lies of Hashem do not spoil the greatness of the Tanakh. The Tanakh still remains one of the greatest books ever written.
Remphan : 1
1 In portrayal, Remphan is the Lamassu bearing a crescent moon over his head. Remphan-worship is more powerful during the night. When practicing Remphancraft, do it at night, as this is when he unveils his full power unto man. Remphan is always powerful, whether it is day or night. He only asks, that when you do ritual unto him, you do it at night. The night is when one can adequately adorate Remphan's Star. The night is when Remphan's Star becomes vividly seeable, and hence why Remphancraft is more powerful during the night.
2 Men of Moloch are to be diligent when experiencing dejavu. Especially when the dejavu is relentlessly reoccurring. Moloch and Remphan are speaking. There is something they want you to do. There is something they want from you. They are possibly in the midst of giving you a task. Take note of what you were doing leading up to the dejavu, and what you were doing during the dejavu. The divines are telling you they approve of something you did, or they're telling you to take something further, or to do something more frequently, or to continue doing what you're doing but more powerfully.
3 Additionally, be very diligent when experiencing Lamassu-Hums. Especially when the hums are relentlessly reoccurring. When the hum is in your left ear, the Lamassu are speaking. When the hum is your right ear, Remphan is speaking. When the hum is in both ears, Moloch is speaking. You are being told that there is something of importance nearby, something important either physically or spiritually. Take note of the hums, and observe all around you. Identify whatever is that importance. Do not ignore these hums, for if you do, you will be cursed by Moloch's mighty hands.
4 When the enemies of Moloch leech your resources, it may become harder to perform ritual. The man who continues to find ways to perform ritual, with whatever he has, even when devoid of resources, this is the man who will be blessed the most. If the enemy imprisons you, do what you can with what you have. There is always something to be done, even if it is mere meditation, reciting mantras, and calling upon the divines. If the anti-Molochian dares do something as vile as torture the men of Moloch, and even further, torture the men of Moloch to death, they are to watch their back. Once Molochia consumes the land in which they live, they will have to pay, and the Molochian state will make them pay for their torture of Moloch's men. The state's executioner will take a dagger, a dagger containing a Malachite jewel in its hilt. The dagger will be used to carve the Star Of Remphan on the torturer's chest, and on his forehead, while he is living. Then his throat will be slit, and his blood collected. With the blood of the torturer collected, the Abgal will inscribe the Star Of Remphan upon the altar, using the blood as a form of ink. The state will conduct this rectification preferably in the night. Do not horseplay with the spirits of Moloch's men. Molochia shall rectify any atrocities that anti-Molochians dare to levy upon the men of Moloch.
5 A novice in sorcery may experience fatigue and nausea. As with tobacco, you need to build for yourself a tolerance. If you smoke more than your body can handle, it may cause nausea. In Molochcraft, the immense power and energy you absorb can no doubt cause fatigue and nausea. This happens when you have absorbed more power and energy than your human form can handle. It's possible to blackout if you have soaked up far more energy than the body can handle. Be conscious of your level of tolerance, for it must be built up. As a novice Molochcraft practitioner, do not immediately try to absorb as much energy as you want. Absorb as much energy as you want only when you have become adept in Molochcraft, because at that point, you have built for yourself a much higher tolerance for this power. One does not smoke a whole pack of cigarettes in one sitting before building a high tobacco tolerance. In relation, one does not attempt to absorb as much power as they want before building a tolerance for the power of Moloch and his Angels.